IUL Campaign

IUL Campaign

Are you using a Tax-advantaged account (TAA) or a Tax-deferred Account (TDA)?

Taxes are by far your biggest financial burden when it comes to building wealth.

In order to efficiently build wealth, most intelligent investors have been using TAA like Index Universal Life (IUL) to maximize their investment and retirement savings.

The IUL, also known as the Family Bank Strategy (FBS), was first approved by the United States Congress under the IRC 7702 in 1913. (IRC = Internal Revenue Code).

As of January 2021, you can now put more money than ever before into an IUL account to avoid unnecessary spending on taxes. If you qualify for this program, we will link you with one of our A-rated Financial Institutions that will set you up for an IRS approved TAA for your investment/retirement savings. Money put in this account grows Tax-Free and you take out your money without paying a dime to Uncle Sam.

Unlike most traditional retirement or investment accounts like the IRAs, Roth IRA, 401(k), 403(b), this account has the following extra benefits:

1. No risk of losses due to market downturns.

2. Money grows tax-free and you take out your money tax-free.

3. Principal protection

4. comes with an insurance component that can help pay for your mortgage, debts, or medical expenses while you are alive or simply leave a huge legacy to your loved ones when you die.

5. No contribution limit,

6. No early withdrawal penalty, and

7. No limit on how much you can take out of your account

8. Higher rates of returns on your savings depending on the index strategy you chose for Kids as young as 2weeks can qualify for an IUL that can be used to pay for tuition, marriage expenses, first car, first home or literally anything without having to plunge into debts.

This account grows your money up to 25x and more if designed and funded correctly according the IRC 7702 provisions.

Take advantage of the new IRS provisions for IRC 7702, now. Hit the LEARN MORE button to quickly complete the pre-qualification form and BOOK a s trategic call with one of our expert financial professional. 




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